Recycling Hub is a leading GPCB authorized scrap buyer in Gujarat and GPCB authorized plastic waste recycler in Ahmedabad. Plastic has multiple uses, and its physical and chemical properties lead to commercial success. However, the indiscriminate disposal of plastic has become a significant threat to the environment. In particular, plastic carry bags are the biggest contributors of littered waste. Millions of plastic bags end up discarded every year vis-a-vis soil, water bodies, watercourses, etc. It takes an average of one thousand years for plastic to decompose completely. Therefore, to address the issue of scientific plastic waste management, the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 included plastic waste management. The Government has announced the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, in suppression of the earlier Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011. Further, the Government announced Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2022 to fast-track the recycling of plastic.
Extended Producer Responsibility: Earlier, EPR was left to the discretion of the local bodies. For the first time, the producers (i.e., persons engaged in the manufacture or import of carrying bags, multi-layered packaging and sheets or like and the persons using these for packaging or wrapping their products) and brand owners have been responsible for collecting waste generated from their products. They have to approach local bodies to formulate a plan/system for plastic waste management within the prescribed time frame.